MT Manager adalah aplikasi manajer file untuk Android yang memungkinkan pengguna mengelola file, mengedit APK, dan mengakses file sistem. Aplikasi ini sering digunakan untuk membongkar aplikasi, mengubah file dalam APK, serta melakukan modifikasi pada perangkat Android.
Mod Premium | Added Feature | Size : 11 ~ 45Mb
#Special feature
– Added function for input box with history records (if you don’t need to use it, you can turn it off in settings)
– Regular search and replace function of text editor shortcut function has been changed to search and replace. You can specify whether to enable regular expressions separately.- Startup method of Activity record under Root or Shell permissions can be selected as one-click startup or manual startup.
– Added detection of Alipay protection- In sidebar tool group has added an entry for recommended courses. Currently, three courses by Zhenxi Da Lao are available (only for China)
– Optimized Dex comparison function. When an error occurs, error message will be used as decompilation result without interrupting subsequent operations.
– Optimized Dex processing library. After compilation, CallSite sequence number is retained to avoid incompatibility issues.
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